Why it might be good for your business to in-house your marketing activities. And how to do it..
I'm not going to lie to you: running an in-house marketing department is hard. I have been there before. The chaos at the start of a project, the disarray of dealing with agencies, the anxiety of a looming deadline. It's stressful, hectic, and complex.
But what if I told you that things don't have to be this way? What if there was a way to bring order to the chaos? That's exactly what in-housing can help you with. By taking control of your company's content creating, social media activation and bringing essential tasks in-house, you can effectively transform the way you run your marketing activities.
For the last 15 years, I've been helping organisations setting up their in-house SoMe, content, branding, and marketing teams.
Building an in-house creative agency can seem like a Herculean task. It is certainly not a short or one-time process. You have to approach it like an entrepreneurial venture - find great employees, create a culture where they can thrive, and watch the results pour in.
This book will give you an understanding of what goes into building an internal marketing department; what you need in terms of roles and skills and how to structure your work. By understanding the in-house model, hiring the right people, and adopting best practices, you can speed up your workflow and gain a more agile approach to your marketing.
It's fair to say that though you most likely will save you money by in-housing your marketing activities, this should not be the goal. The main reason to in-house should be to get better control of your campaigns, assets and workflows. And to get the speed and agility, you need in today's world of marketing.
That is what this book is all about.
You will find the ideas to create and manage your own in-house setup, tested process, step-by-step guides outlined in the book. They are easy to follow, despite being the result of more that a decade of experience and research. The process is designed to minimise your risk of failure are coupled with the inspiring stories. So if you've ever thought about what it would be like to bring in more of your marketing activities from your creative agencies-this book is for you.
Yderligere information
Forfatter(e) | Kasper Sierslev |
Kategori | Bøger |
Genre(r) | Erhverv |
Udgivelsesdato | Er udgivet |
Sprog | Engelsk |
ISBN-13 | 9788743027522 |
ISBN-10 | 8743027520 |
Indbinding | Paperback |
Udgave | 1 |
Oplag | 2 |
Sidetal | 248 |
Dimensioner | Bredde: 15.5Cm - Højde: 22Cm |
Tags | Social Media Marketing, In-House Marketing, Creative Leadership, Building In-House Teams, Inhouse Advertising, Moving In, Bøger, Bog |
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