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Energetic Leadership - Gitte Madelaire - English Book

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In a time when planet Earth and its humans are challenged like never before,
citizens in many countries feel powerless and frustrated. Politicians, companies,
and consumers are not doing enough to mitigate climate change, reduce
work-related stress, reduce meaningless work, and stop overproduction. What
many organisations fail to realise is that this also leads to employee dissatisfaction,
illness, and a demand for new leadership.

This book is about conscious leadership, about changing the culture in
organisations to capture modern life design and incorporate an energetic sense of
the future. It is about adopting new habits in leadership to embrace the idea that we
are human spirits made up of energy. It is about trusting our intuition and
resourcefully focusing on creating and aligning energy in every part of the
organisation rather than exhausting all present resources at all times.
Thousands of years ago, humans used time differently. They took the time to feel,
to listen, to see, and to believe in what was the best thing to do. They
communicated inwards, outwards, downwards, and upwards. They understood their
energy intuitively and lived accordingly.

In modern times, amid development and industrialisation, we have forgotten some
of the most fundamental human talents. We rationalise and believe so strongly in
data and physical evidence that we ignore our bodies’ warnings.
We do that as individuals, leaders, and collectively as organisations and society.
The key to our potential is understanding that everything, including humans, is
energy. We are connected to our souls, each other, and our past and future through
energy frequencies. It is how nature works – how we work. Our ancestors knew it.
But at one point in history, we took the wrong road, resulting in a significant part of
us feeling disconnected, alone, or without purpose.

For companies, the consequence is seen in the so-called ‘quiet quitting’ and ‘great
resignation’ phenomena, which stem from an underlying dissatisfaction with
workplace culture, jobs’ misalignment with individual life purpose and desired
lifestyle, and often also the companies’ failure to contribute to solving important
problems rather than simply aiming for regulatory compliance.
The future workplace succeeds because it orchestrates the energy of both the
company and each individual. We must relearn what we once knew and practice
new leadership that is sustainable both in the external world and our inner worlds.

ENERGETIC LEADERSHIP addresses 9 pivotal trends that organisations and
leaders must navigate in a world where employees demand more spiritual
leadership and sustainable business models aligned with their individual life design
and life purposes.
The newer generations already show the way with a much more intuitive approach.
They are not asking permission to redefine what it means to be employed but
design their lives in alignment with their life purpose first, then create a work life that
matches. Everyone is a leader, and leadership starts from within.
The great conversation has begun!

"Gitte Madelaire spotlights the most essential question on the leadership agenda in modern
business: How do we create organisations designed for people and unleash the energy that is the
prerequisite for all innovation and progress? The book is a boost to the leadership agenda in all
Niels Ahrengot, Managing Partner, Implement Consulting Group Denmark

“'Energetic Leadership' provides an inspirational insight into self-awareness by operating with a
human sense and maintaining the equilibrium of mind, body, and soul; cultivating the courage to
lead with a unique sense of the future. It’s a great guide to help us to look internally when we
aspire to do great things externally.”
Simone Lee, Healthcare Entrepreneur and Coach, Malaysia

“Energetic Leadership adeptly navigates contemporary leadership challenges, offering academic
novelty in an exceptionally inspiring and actionable manner.”
Nicholas Rosenberg Kjær, Managing Director, Volvo Group Lithuania

Yderligere information

Forfatter(e)Gitte Madelaire
UdgivelsesdatoEr udgivet
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