Folded map in scale 1:1,35 mio.
Legend Includes:
Roads by classification, Ferry routes, International Airports, Domestic Airports, Border crossings, Railway stations, Bus terminals, Harbours, Hotels, Campsites, Banks, restaurants, Libraries, Post offices, Shopping centers, Universities, Schools, Police stations, Embassies, Hospitals, Notable Buildings, Tourist information centers, Cinemas, Palaces, Museums, Churches, Temples, Mosque, Synagogues, Pagodas, World heritqges sites, Ruins, Points of interest, Viewpoints, Beaches, Bird Sanctuary, Nature Reserve, Wildlife areas, Diving, Caves, Zoos, Golf courses, Stadiums, Oil weils, Mines, and much more...
Yderligere information
Serie | International Travel Maps |
Forfatter(e) | Itmb |
Kategori | Bøger |
Genre(r) | Rejsebøger |
Udgivelsesdato | Er udgivet |
Sprog | Engelsk |
ISBN-13 | 9781553414711 |
ISBN-10 | 1553414713 |
Udgave | 2 |
Genveje | International Travel Maps - Bøger |
Tags | Myanmar Burma, Bøger, Bog |