Clumsy-Hans, retold by Clara Wedersøe Strunge and illustrated by Francesca Dell'Orto, is a heartwarming and humorous reimagining of Hans Christian Andersen's classic tale. The story follows Clumsy-Hans, the youngest of three brothers, who is underestimated by everyone due to his simplicity and unconventional ways. When the brothers compete for the hand of a princess, it's Clumsy-Hans's wit, charm, and authenticity that win the day.
Yderligere information
Serie | Hc AndersenKlods-Hans |
Forfatter(e) | Hans Christian Andersen Clara Wedersøe Strunge |
Kategori | Bøger |
Genre(r) | Børnebøger |
Udgivelsesdato | Er udgivet |
Sprog | Engelsk |
ISBN-13 | 9788794005548 |
ISBN-10 | 8794005540 |
Indbinding | Indbundet |
Udgave | 1 |
Oplag | 1 |
Sidetal | 48 |
Dimensioner | Bredde: 15.8Cm - Højde: 23.8Cm |
Genveje | Hc Andersen - BøgerKlods-Hans - Bøger |
Tags | Clumsy-Hans Andersen, Fairy Tales, Fairytale, Eventyr, Illustrations, H.C.Andersen, Story, Children Story, Klods-Hans, Andersen, Illustrationer, Historie, Børnehistorie, Clumsy, Bøger, Bog |
GPSR | Produktsikkerhed |