Set in a rural village in 1850s Denmark, this inspiring story cycle follows the precocious and impulsive boy Tacit from early childhood, raised by his grandmother, through adolescence and his infatuation with Camilla, to his teen years when he apprentices to the blacksmith and befriends a convict who is squatting on an abandoned farm.
By one of Denmark's master storytellers, this book reminds us how secrets can bind people together or come between them. First book of The Water Farm trilogy. Cecil Bødker's characters are raw and sensitive, unpredictable and universal. Once-in-a-lifetime storytelling with the power of Faulkner.
Danish title: "Fortællinger omkring Tavs". Translated by Michael Goldman.
Yderligere information
Serie | The Water Farm Trilogy |
Forfatter(e) | Cecil Bødker |
Kategori | Bøger |
Genre(r) | Skønlitteratur |
Udgivelsesdato | Er udgivet |
Sprog | Engelsk |
ISBN-13 | 9781944682149 |
ISBN-10 | 1944682147 |
Sidetal | 114 |
Genveje | The Water Farm Trilogy - Bøger |
Tags | Stories About Tacit, Bøger, Bog |