Nyt album fra Radiohead.
Med Kid A Mnesia fejrer Radiohead 21 års jubilæum af deres albummer Kid A og Amnesiac, som var bandets fjerde og femte album.
Kid A Mnesia indeholder de to albums og en ekstra disk, der indeholder alternative versioner og b-sider samt den hidtil uhørte "If You Say the Word" og en hidtil uudgivet studio-version af "Follow Me Around".
CD 1:
01: Everything In Its Right Place
02: Kid A
03: The National Anthem
04: How to Disappear Completely
05: Treefingers
06: Optimistic
07: In Limbo
08: Idioteque
09: Morning Bell
10: Motion Picture Soundtrack
CD 2:
01: Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
02: Pyramid Song
03: Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
04: You And Whose Army?
05: I Might Be Wrong
06: Knives Out
07: Morning Bell/Amnesiac
08: Dollars and Cents
09: Hunting Bears
10: Like Spinning Plates
11: Life In A Glasshouse
CD 3:
01: Like Spinning Plates ('Why Us?' Version)
02: Untitled v1
03: Fog (Again Again Version)
04: If You Say the Word
05: Follow Me Around
06: Pulk/Pull (True Love Waits Version)
07: Untitled v2
08: The Morning Bell (In the Dark Version)
09: Pyramid Strings
10: Alt. Fast Track
11: Untitled v3
12: How to Disappear into Strings
Yderligere information
Kunstner | Radiohead |
Kategori | Cd |
Genre | Rock |
Udgivelsesdato | Er udgivet |
Tags | Kid A Mnesia, Cd |
GPSR | Produktsikkerhed |